Thank you great information shared. I would like to include here; A PRAYER AGAINST ABDUCTION OR EVER HAVING BEEN ABDUCTED:

Heavenly father, I praise Your great Name for You are worthy! I know that there is nothing that has happened to me that You have not seen and recorded You've counted all my tears and collected them in your bottle, and written each down in your precious book, because you care for me and every piece of my brokenness. You do not slumber, or sleep. You do not leave or forsake me, or any part in my system.

All who are willing, can come to You and find forgiveness for our sins, rest for our weariness, and renewal for our minds, hearts and bodies. There is healing to be found, only in You and Your mercies are new again this morning. l ask that you cut off any astral, physical, technological, or spiritual cording and all agreements with any of my parts that have been taken away by any means, in any dimension, to anywhere in or out of time, reality or space that is not allowed in Your law or in Your perfect will.

I ask that You return every part of my soul and spirit to my body and seal every open portal by the seal of Your Set Apart Spirit and by Your Son's precious blood which covers me. Interfere and disrupt all illegal sending or receiving of communications with other people, technologies, and entities. Instead allow me to send and receive communications only between Your throne and my spirit by way of the Spirit of the Living God.

Abba father Yahweh, I ask that You shield my eyes and ears and those of my family, disallowing any forms of mind-control, manipulation, programming or post-hypnotic suggestions to enter those places in the mighty Name of Yeshua. Thank You for Your protection around our property, house, animals, vehicles, minds, bodies and souls. I pray for a heavenly 'Faraday cage' to be placed around us, shielding us from any and all weaponized or targeted pathogens, harmful frequencies, nanotechnology of every kind, brainwave identification or manipulation, and all unhealthy and harmful cording from others in the Name of Yeshua.

Yahweh, the Most High is my refuge and dwelling place, and no evil shall befall me neither any plague come near my dwelling. & No weapon formed against me shall prosper.(Psalm 91:9) Thank You for Your holy angels that You give charge over me and my family to help keep us in all Your ways. (Psalm 91:11)

May I meditate on and be filled with Your truth as you help me to weed out the lies and false beliefs that have been set up in my mind and heart. Yahweh, I give You the keys to the hidden places in my mind and trust You to show me the things I need to see in Your perfect timing. I stand in confidence that You have started a good work in me and will be faithful to complete it until the return of Jesus Yeshua. (Philippians 1:6)

I say "hineni-here I am." I am ready Yahweh; may You fill me with the fruits of Your Spirit and increase within me Ruach (Holy Spirit), that I may be Your hands and feet in this day. I pray that I will be a blessing to those I encounter and that you would use me in mighty ways to further Your kingdom in all i say and do. I am strong and courageous. I am not afraid or discouraged because You Yahweh Elohim Immanuel are with me wherever I go. (Joshua 1:9) I seal this prayer with the blood of the Lamb, Who died for my sins at Calvary, Who rose again, and now sits at the right hand as the King of Kings of Yahweh. In Jesus' Yeshua's name I pray, amen.

Any parts of me that are being used to report on anyone, act as handlers, avatars, entities or controllers- I ask that You relieve each of them of their assignments and cancel those assignments completely. For parts that are willing, I ask You to train them for war as You did King David and give them new assignments as emissaries of Your Throne. Guard and protect all other humans associated with any part of me through programming, the occult, technologies and bloodlines and forgive me, my parts and all other humans associated with me for the defiling of Your Word, our bodies and Your perfect law, according to the redemption of Jesus through His death, burial and resurrection.

I ask that You tear down any walls in me that have been rebuilt, any reset programming that has been initiated, any soul abduction plans or attempts that have commenced. I ask that you cut off any program trigger attempts that may be initiated against me or any of my parts today and set any part associated with these free from the assignments they were given against Your Throne, Kingdom of Righteousness. Yahweh, put a new song in my heart, for today is a day that You have made, and I will rejoice and be glad in it! In the Mighty beautiful healing name of Jesus Yeshua Amen.

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Thank you 👍🏿, very deep and less spoken of, information.. baraka ❣️

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Thank you for taking time to listen 🙏🏾

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